Study Abroad

Ciao and welcome to UMASS Amherst's official blog for the Italian Study Abroad program!

The goal of this forum is for UMASS travelers to share their insights, experiences, photos, destinations and sounds with fellow students.

On behalf of the Italian Department, your participation is welcomed. If you would like something posted, even if it is a picture or a travel tip, then please e-mail the information to

martedì 24 marzo 2015

My name's Emily...

     The reason I decided to study abroad was because of my sister. She never got the chance to go abroad and convinced me that I would regret the decision if I didn’t go. I also took Italian all throughout highschool so I thought it would be cool to experience the culture after learning so much about it.
     I lived directly next to Santa Croce church, in Florence. I went abroad through API and loved it. They were very helpful in preparing me before I left for Italy and were even more helpful when we arrived. The staff members were extremely nice and helpful all throughout my trip.
    I wish someone had told me to save room when packing for souvenirs and whatever else you plan on buying. I came home right around Christmas time so I had gotten all my Christmas shopping done while I was abroad. I ended up having to leave clothes, a pair of boots and few other little things because I didn’t have enough room in my bag. I also wish I had known to save all the money I could before I went abroad because all you’re going to want to do is travel and spend money while you’re there.
     There was so much beauty not only in Italy but all throughout Europe. Living in Florence, I really got an appreciation for all of the old beautiful churches and architecture. The Duomo was one of the best sights I’ve ever seen. Getting to walk by that beautiful church everyday was pretty unreal. Also, being able to just look out my apartment window and see the Santa Croce church right there was amazing. The most beautiful thing you can see in Florence though, is the view from the Piazzale Michelangelo when the sun is setting. You get a view of the entire city and it’s just breathtaking.

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