Study Abroad

Ciao and welcome to UMASS Amherst's official blog for the Italian Study Abroad program!

The goal of this forum is for UMASS travelers to share their insights, experiences, photos, destinations and sounds with fellow students.

On behalf of the Italian Department, your participation is welcomed. If you would like something posted, even if it is a picture or a travel tip, then please e-mail the information to

mercoledì 22 aprile 2015


My my name is Paul,
Every morning i wake up to this beautiful city, with beautiful people and the kindest hearts. I never believed my life could change so drastically from such an an experience as studying abroad. I have learned so much from living here these past few months. I learned about the food, culture and most importantly i learned about myself. Living in Florence has taught me that there is more to life than what I knew before coming here. I see beauty in everything I encounter, everyone I encounter and every experience I encounter. This has been the best experience I could ever ask for and I am so blessed to have been able to travel to these exciting cities. I look at the sunset and cherish every last day that I possibly can and I truly call this city my home. I will never forget the friends I met here or the amazing times I would have never had experienced if I didn't make the decision to study abroad in Florence. I have less than a month left and I never want to leave. Travel changes lives, and it has changed mine for the rest of my life. My heart will forever remain here. 

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